Is it possible to program CH32V003 with MounRiver studio Linux version ?


I'm trying to program my CH32V003 chip bought on tindie under Linux.

I downloaded the Linux version of MounRiver_Studio on WCH download page :

Version : MounRiver_Studio_Community_Linux_V130

The download configurator can see the WCH-LinkRV configuration probe but it's impossible to get chip status.

Capture d’écran du 2023-01-07 10-35-28.png

Did somebody managed to program/debug CH32V003 chip using MounRiver under Linux ?


Hello, please make sure that the burning tool downloaded to V003 is Linke,There is no problem with the hardware wiring.

Yes, the burning tools is LinkE :


Hello, CH32V003 download and simulation debugging only need to ensure that the chip power supply voltage is 3.3V or 5V, and then connect the SWDIO on the board with the SWDIO of LINKE. If the chip status error occurs, please ensure that the chip can operate normally and the power supply is reliably connected with SWDIO and LINKE.Because your board is not an official EVT board, if there is a problem with the hardware itself, you can contact the merchant or apply for a sample on Qinheng's official website.

Hi, I have the same issue with my CH32V003J4M chips. I use VSS(2)/VDD(4) and SWIO(8). The first time, the chip flash works but after that I get the same error:?Board chip status error

After digging in the forums, I found that I have to start the wch-Linkutility program.?


Then in this program choose Flash/Clear all Code flasH by power off.


Forgot to tell. The WCH-LinkUtility program is in?ExTool/SWDTool

