Hi. I'm trying to use "indication" instead of "notification" and it's not working for me. Please send me an example of a working program code for "indication", for the "Peripheral" project.
Hi. I'm trying to use "indication" instead of "notification" and it's not working for me. Please send me an example of a working program code for "indication", for the "Peripheral" project.
Hi, please refer to the link in this blog to download the program for modification of "indication". There is a reference program in this link for reference.Download the link at the end of the blog. This program is based on CH582.藍牙BLE句柄指示\確認(Handle Value Indication\Confirmation)(CH582) - SweetTea_lllpc - 博客園 (
I work with the CH582M chip.?
I downloaded the example for the "indication" from, but it doesn't work either. Here is the debugger log:
11:37:45.928> CH58x_BLE_LIB_V1.50
11:37:45.987> Initialized..
11:37:45.987> Advertising..
11:38:10.334> Conn 1 - Int 24?
11:38:10.334> Connected..
11:38:10.898> Update 1 - Int 6?
11:38:11.337> Update 1 - Int 24?
11:38:14.975> Update 1 - Int 60?
11:38:20.345> RSSI -52 dB Conn? 1?
11:38:30.349> RSSI -45 dB Conn? 1?
11:38:40.295> RSSI -50 dB Conn? 1?
11:38:50.310> Char cfg = 2, connHandle = 1, res = 2?
11:38:50.310> RSSI -57 dB Conn? 1?
11:38:55.323> Char cfg = 2, connHandle = 1, res = 2?
11:39:00.320> Char cfg = 2, connHandle = 1, res = 2?
11:39:00.320> RSSI -59 dB Conn? 1?
11:39:05.332> Char cfg = 2, connHandle = 1, res = 2?
11:39:10.325> Char cfg = 2, connHandle = 1, res = 2?
11:39:10.325> RSSI -58 dB Conn? 1?
11:39:11.265> Disconnected.. Reason:13
11:39:11.265> Advertising..
Where "res = 2" - is the result of execution of?GATT_Indication function. For debugging i'm using nRf Connect.
I just searched for the above log printing information and did not see any log information about connhandle. You can re-flash it and try it. I tested here the nrf connection program can be successful, as shown in the figure. You can leave an email address and I will provide you with the code for indication.
connHandle - this is current Connection Handle