

Option Explicit

Dim iBuff As arrRBuffer

Dim buffer As arrRBuffer

Dim PGA As String

Private Sub Command1_Click() ? ? ? ? ? ?'啟動AD

Dim Channel As String

Dim SPS As String

Dim buff(0 To 1) As Long

If Option1.Value = True Then PGA = "1"

If Option2.Value = True Then PGA = "3"

If Option3.Value = True Then PGA = "5"

If Option4.Value = True Then PGA = "7"

If Option5.Value = True Then PGA = "9"

If Option6.Value = True Then PGA = "B"

If Option7.Value = True Then Channel = "C"

If Option8.Value = True Then Channel = "D"

If Option9.Value = True Then Channel = "E"

If Option10.Value = True Then Channel = "F"

If Option11.Value = True Then SPS = "0"

If Option12.Value = True Then SPS = "2"

If Option13.Value = True Then SPS = "4"

If Option14.Value = True Then SPS = "6"

If Option15.Value = True Then SPS = "8"

If Option16.Value = True Then SPS = "A"

If Option17.Value = True Then SPS = "C"

If Option18.Value = True Then SPS = "E"


' ? 啟動AD


Call mStrtoVal("9001" & Channel & PGA & SPS & "3", buffer, 4) ? ? ? ? '將輸入的十六進制格式字符數(shù)據(jù)轉(zhuǎn)成數(shù)值數(shù)據(jù)

bopen = CH341StreamI2C(mIndex, 4, buffer, 1, iBuff)

Sleep (50)


' ? 讀AD


Call mStrtoVal("900091", buffer, 3) ? ? ?'將輸入的十六進制格式字符數(shù)據(jù)轉(zhuǎn)成數(shù)值數(shù)據(jù)

bopen = CH341StreamI2C(mIndex, 3, buffer, 2, iBuff)

buff(0) = iBuff.buf(0) * 256

buff(1) = iBuff.buf(1)

If Option1.Value = True Then Label2.Caption = "輸入電壓=" & Format((buff(0) + buff(1)) * 12.288 / 65535, "0.0000") & " V"

If Option2.Value = True Then Label2.Caption = "輸入電壓=" & Format((buff(0) + buff(1)) * 8.192 / 65535, "0.0000") & " V"

If Option3.Value = True Then Label2.Caption = "輸入電壓=" & Format((buff(0) + buff(1)) * 4.096 / 65535, "0.0000") & " V"

If Option4.Value = True Then Label2.Caption = "輸入電壓=" & Format((buff(0) + buff(1)) * 2.048 / 65535, "0.0000") & " V"

If Option5.Value = True Then Label2.Caption = "輸入電壓=" & Format((buff(0) + buff(1)) * 1.024 / 65535, "0.0000") & " V"

If Option6.Value = True Then Label2.Caption = "輸入電壓=" & Format((buff(0) + buff(1)) * 0.512 / 65535, "0.0000") & " V"

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click() ? ? ? ? ? 'QUIT

CH341SetDeviceNotify 0, vbNullString, 0&

If (mOpen = True) Then CH341CloseDevice (mIndex) ? ? ? ?'如果CH341已打開則關(guān)閉

Unload Me ? ?'關(guān)閉窗體

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

mIndex = 0

hopen = CH341OpenDevice(mIndex)


? ? mOpen = False


? ? mOpen = True

End If


If CH341SetDeviceNotify(mIndex, vbNullString, AddressOf mPCH341_NOTIFY_ROUTINE) = False Then

? ? MsgBox "設(shè)置設(shè)備插拔通知失敗", vbExclamation

End If

enablebtn (mOpen)

bopen = CH341SetStream(mIndex, &H83) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?'設(shè)置同步串口流模式,高位在前

Label2.Caption = ""

Option3.Value = True

Option7.Value = True

Option15.Value = True

End Sub

Private Sub CH341_NOTIFY_ROUTINE_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) ?'設(shè)備插拔通知處理程序

? ? mIndex = 0

? ? iEventStatus = KeyCode '插拔事件

? ? If (iEventStatus = CH341_DEVICE_ARRIVAL) Then ' 設(shè)備插入事件,CH341_DEVICE_ARRIVAL=3已經(jīng)插入

? ? ? ? If (CH341OpenDevice(mIndex) = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) Then ? ? 'INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE=-1

? ? ? ? ? ? MsgBox "打開設(shè)備失敗!", vbOK

? ? ? ? ? ? mOpen = False

? ? ? ? Else

? ? ? ? ? ? mOpen = True ?'打開成功

? ? ? ? End If

? ? ElseIf (iEventStatus = CH341_DEVICE_REMOVE) Then ' 設(shè)備拔出事件,CH341_DEVICE_REMOVE=0已經(jīng)拔出

? ? ? ? CH341CloseDevice (mIndex)

? ? ? ? mOpen = False

? ? End If

? ? enablebtn (mOpen) '設(shè)備打開,按鈕可用,設(shè)備沒打開,按鈕禁用

End Sub

Public Sub enablebtn(ByVal bEnable As Boolean) ?'bEnable=true :各窗體按鈕可用 ;=false:enable:各窗體按鈕禁用

? With Form1

? ? .Command1.Enabled = bEnable

? ? .Frame1.Enabled = bEnable

? ? .Frame2.Enabled = bEnable

? ? .Frame3.Enabled = bEnable

? ? If (bEnable = True) Then '窗體標(biāo)題顯示

? ? ? ? Form1.Caption = "USB已連接"

? ? Else

? ? ? ? Form1.Caption = "USB未連接"

? ? End If

? End With

End Sub