Begginer's question.

Hello everyone, I'm starting in this ch32 MCU world, and I wonder what's the best way to start on.?

I've asked chatGPT about which is thest IDE for these MCUs and it said platformIO but according to the WCH site, it's Mount river. For you whihc is the best option?

Also I'm interested on learning about an RTOS, I found two main ones (Freertos and RT-Thread) but I don't find a concise answer. What do you think? which one is the most used on these MCUs? which one do you recommend for me??

Thanks in advance, Robin Ciro-

Hello, if you are developing our RISC-V core MCU, we recommend using MounRiver as the development environment. If you are new to our MCU, you can download the MCU application manual, data manual, and corresponding EVT from our official website. We recommend that you download and take a look. EVT includes routines such as FreeRTOS and RT Thread


For my advice, Arduino or PlatformIO is a quick-start way but may not able to use all features of the chip. The "normal" and recommended development method is using Mounriver IDE with WCH's SDK, but a bit harder for beginners. You may need to explore in examples and find how to call SDK function to achieve your requirements. However, sometimes the examples is not in good quality, so you may need to refer to other series' examples or even other vendors' chip's example for idea, especially for peripherials with many status(such as I2C. some I2C examples uses infinite loop for state conditions, but state-machine is quite better.).

If you're a beginner without any modern MCU development experiences, please consider a MCU of mainstream series, which is usually with less problems and confusion.

I've never tried RT-Thread, so I can't talk about which is better. But if you want to run RTOS without memory problems, please avoid running on chips with RAM less than 8KB.

Blink an LED is always the start of learning MCU programming.

And you should choose an evaluation board, like CH32V307EVT from WCH or 3rd party ones like FlappyBoard.

