
都是PWM的PWM_MODE1輸出方波 ,代碼都一樣,都是使用內部晶振




arduino 下使用的代碼

void TIM1_PWMOut_Init(u16 arr, u16 psc, u16 ccp)


? ? GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure={0};

? ? TIM_OCInitTypeDef TIM_OCInitStructure={0};

? ? TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef TIM_TimeBaseInitStructure={0};

? ? RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd( RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOD | RCC_APB2Periph_TIM1, ENABLE );

? ? GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_2;

? ? GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF_PP;

? ? GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;

? ? GPIO_Init( GPIOD, &GPIO_InitStructure );

? ? TIM_TimeBaseInitStructure.TIM_Period = arr;

? ? TIM_TimeBaseInitStructure.TIM_Prescaler = psc;

? ? TIM_TimeBaseInitStructure.TIM_ClockDivision = TIM_CKD_DIV1;

? ? TIM_TimeBaseInitStructure.TIM_CounterMode = TIM_CounterMode_Up;

? ? TIM_TimeBaseInit( TIM1, &TIM_TimeBaseInitStructure);

? ? TIM_OCInitStructure.TIM_OCMode = TIM_OCMode_PWM2;

? ? TIM_OCInitStructure.TIM_OutputState = TIM_OutputState_Enable;

? ? TIM_OCInitStructure.TIM_Pulse = ccp;

? ? TIM_OCInitStructure.TIM_OCPolarity = TIM_OCPolarity_High;

? ? TIM_OC1Init( TIM1, &TIM_OCInitStructure );

? ? TIM_CtrlPWMOutputs(TIM1, ENABLE );

? ? TIM_OC1PreloadConfig( TIM1, TIM_OCPreload_Disable );

? ? TIM_ARRPreloadConfig( TIM1, ENABLE );

? ? TIM_Cmd( TIM1, ENABLE );


void setup() {

? TIM1_PWMOut_Init( 1, 2-1, 1 );


void loop() {

? // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:



#include "debug.h"

void TIM1_PWMOut_Init(u16 arr, u16 psc, u16 ccp)


? ? GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure={0};

? ? TIM_OCInitTypeDef TIM_OCInitStructure={0};

? ? TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef TIM_TimeBaseInitStructure={0};

? ? RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd( RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOD | RCC_APB2Periph_TIM1, ENABLE );

? ? GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_2;

? ? GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF_PP;

? ? GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;

? ? GPIO_Init( GPIOD, &GPIO_InitStructure );

? ? TIM_TimeBaseInitStructure.TIM_Period = arr;

? ? TIM_TimeBaseInitStructure.TIM_Prescaler = psc;

? ? TIM_TimeBaseInitStructure.TIM_ClockDivision = TIM_CKD_DIV1;

? ? TIM_TimeBaseInitStructure.TIM_CounterMode = TIM_CounterMode_Up;

? ? TIM_TimeBaseInit( TIM1, &TIM_TimeBaseInitStructure);

? ? TIM_OCInitStructure.TIM_OCMode = TIM_OCMode_PWM2;

? ? TIM_OCInitStructure.TIM_OutputState = TIM_OutputState_Enable;

? ? TIM_OCInitStructure.TIM_Pulse = ccp;

? ? TIM_OCInitStructure.TIM_OCPolarity = TIM_OCPolarity_High;

? ? TIM_OC1Init( TIM1, &TIM_OCInitStructure );

? ? TIM_CtrlPWMOutputs(TIM1, ENABLE );

? ? TIM_OC1PreloadConfig( TIM1, TIM_OCPreload_Disable );

? ? TIM_ARRPreloadConfig( TIM1, ENABLE );

? ? TIM_Cmd( TIM1, ENABLE );


int main(void)


? ? SystemCoreClockUpdate();

? ? Delay_Init();

? ? TIM1_PWMOut_Init( 1, 2-1, 1 );

? ? while(1);


都使用同樣的 system_ch32v00x.c 配置

/********************************** (C) COPYRIGHT *******************************

?* File Name? ? ? ? ? : system_ch32v00x.c

?* Author? ? ? ? ? ? ?: WCH

?* Version? ? ? ? ? ? : V1.0.0

?* Date? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?: 2023/12/26

?* Description? ? ? ? : CH32V00x Device Peripheral Access Layer System Source File.


* Copyright (c) 2021 Nanjing Qinheng Microelectronics Co., Ltd.

* Attention: This software (modified or not) and binary are used for?

* microcontroller manufactured by Nanjing Qinheng Microelectronics.




* Uncomment the line corresponding to the desired System clock (SYSCLK) frequency (after?

* reset the HSI is used as SYSCLK source).

* If none of the define below is enabled, the HSI is used as System clock source.?


//#define SYSCLK_FREQ_8MHz_HSI? ? 8000000


#define SYSCLK_FREQ_48MHZ_HSI? ?48000000

//#define SYSCLK_FREQ_8MHz_HSE? ? 8000000


//#define SYSCLK_FREQ_48MHz_HSE? ?48000000

/* Clock Definitions */


? uint32_t SystemCoreClock? ? ? ? ?= SYSCLK_FREQ_8MHz_HSI;? ? ? ? ? /* System Clock Frequency (Core Clock) */

#elif defined SYSCLK_FREQ_24MHZ_HSI

? uint32_t SystemCoreClock? ? ? ? ?= SYSCLK_FREQ_24MHZ_HSI;? ? ? ? /* System Clock Frequency (Core Clock) */

#elif defined SYSCLK_FREQ_48MHZ_HSI

? uint32_t SystemCoreClock? ? ? ? ?= SYSCLK_FREQ_48MHZ_HSI;? ? ? ? /* System Clock Frequency (Core Clock) */

#elif defined SYSCLK_FREQ_8MHz_HSE

? uint32_t SystemCoreClock? ? ? ? ?= SYSCLK_FREQ_8MHz_HSE;? ? ? ? ?/* System Clock Frequency (Core Clock) */

#elif defined SYSCLK_FREQ_24MHz_HSE

? uint32_t SystemCoreClock? ? ? ? ?= SYSCLK_FREQ_24MHz_HSE;? ? ? ? /* System Clock Frequency (Core Clock) */

#elif defined SYSCLK_FREQ_48MHz_HSE

? uint32_t SystemCoreClock? ? ? ? ?= SYSCLK_FREQ_48MHz_HSE;? ? ? ? /* System Clock Frequency (Core Clock) */


? uint32_t SystemCoreClock? ? ? ? ?= HSI_VALUE;


__I uint8_t AHBPrescTable[16] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};

/* system_private_function_proto_types */

static void SetSysClock(void);


? static void SetSysClockTo_8MHz_HSI(void);

#elif defined SYSCLK_FREQ_24MHZ_HSI

? static void SetSysClockTo_24MHZ_HSI(void);

#elif defined SYSCLK_FREQ_48MHZ_HSI

? static void SetSysClockTo_48MHZ_HSI(void);

#elif defined SYSCLK_FREQ_8MHz_HSE

? static void SetSysClockTo_8MHz_HSE(void);

#elif defined SYSCLK_FREQ_24MHz_HSE

? static void SetSysClockTo_24MHz_HSE(void);

#elif defined SYSCLK_FREQ_48MHz_HSE

? static void SetSysClockTo_48MHz_HSE(void);



?* @fn? ? ? SystemInit


?* @brief? ?Setup the microcontroller system Initialize the Embedded Flash Interface,

?*? ? ? ? the PLL and update the SystemCoreClock variable.


?* @return? none


void SystemInit (void)


? RCC->CTLR |= (uint32_t)0x00000001;

? RCC->CFGR0 &= (uint32_t)0xFCFF0000;

? RCC->CTLR &= (uint32_t)0xFEF6FFFF;

? RCC->CTLR &= (uint32_t)0xFFFBFFFF;

? RCC->CFGR0 &= (uint32_t)0xFFFEFFFF;

? RCC->INTR = 0x009F0000;

? RCC_AdjustHSICalibrationValue(0x10);

? SetSysClock();



?* @fn? ? ? SystemCoreClockUpdate


?* @brief? ?Update SystemCoreClock variable according to Clock Register Values.


?* @return? none


void SystemCoreClockUpdate (void)


? ? uint32_t tmp = 0, pllsource = 0;

? ? tmp = RCC->CFGR0 & RCC_SWS;

? ? switch (tmp)

? ? {

? ? ? ? case 0x00:

? ? ? ? ? ? SystemCoreClock = HSI_VALUE;

? ? ? ? ? ? break;

? ? ? ? case 0x04:

? ? ? ? ? ? SystemCoreClock = HSE_VALUE;

? ? ? ? ? ? break;

? ? ? ? case 0x08:

? ? ? ? ? ? pllsource = RCC->CFGR0 & RCC_PLLSRC;

? ? ? ? ? ? if (pllsource == 0x00)

? ? ? ? ? ? {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? SystemCoreClock = HSI_VALUE * 2;

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? ? ? else

? ? ? ? ? ? {

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? SystemCoreClock = HSE_VALUE * 2;

? ? ? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? ? ? break;

? ? ? ? default:

? ? ? ? ? ? SystemCoreClock = HSI_VALUE;

? ? ? ? ? ? break;

? ? }

? ? tmp = AHBPrescTable[((RCC->CFGR0 & RCC_HPRE) >> 4)];

? ? if(((RCC->CFGR0 & RCC_HPRE) >> 4) < 8)

? ? {

? ? ? ? SystemCoreClock /= tmp;

? ? }

? ? else

? ? {

? ? ? ? SystemCoreClock >>= tmp;

? ? }



?* @fn? ? ? SetSysClock


?* @brief? ?Configures the System clock frequency, HCLK, PCLK2 and PCLK1 prescalers.


?* @return? none


static void SetSysClock(void)








? ? SetSysClockTo_8MHz_HSI();

#elif defined SYSCLK_FREQ_24MHZ_HSI

? ? SetSysClockTo_24MHZ_HSI();

#elif defined SYSCLK_FREQ_48MHZ_HSI

? ? SetSysClockTo_48MHZ_HSI();

#elif defined SYSCLK_FREQ_8MHz_HSE

? ? SetSysClockTo_8MHz_HSE();

#elif defined SYSCLK_FREQ_24MHz_HSE

? ? SetSysClockTo_24MHz_HSE();

#elif defined SYSCLK_FREQ_48MHz_HSE

? ? SetSysClockTo_48MHz_HSE();



?/* If none of the define above is enabled, the HSI is used as System clock.

? * source (default after reset)?





?* @fn? ? ? SetSysClockTo_8MHz_HSI


?* @brief? ?Sets HSE as System clock source and configure HCLK, PCLK2 and PCLK1 prescalers.


?* @return? none


static void SetSysClockTo_8MHz_HSI(void)


? ? /* Flash 0 wait state */

? ? FLASH->ACTLR &= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)~FLASH_ACTLR_LATENCY);


? ? /* HCLK = SYSCLK = APB1 */

? ? RCC->CFGR0 |= (uint32_t)RCC_HPRE_DIV3;


#elif defined SYSCLK_FREQ_24MHZ_HSI


?* @fn? ? ? SetSysClockTo_24MHZ_HSI


?* @brief? ?Sets System clock frequency to 24MHz and configure HCLK, PCLK2 and PCLK1 prescalers.


?* @return? none


static void SetSysClockTo_24MHZ_HSI(void)


? ? /* Flash 0 wait state */

? ? FLASH->ACTLR &= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)~FLASH_ACTLR_LATENCY);


? ? /* HCLK = SYSCLK = APB1 */

? ? RCC->CFGR0 |= (uint32_t)RCC_HPRE_DIV1;


#elif defined SYSCLK_FREQ_48MHZ_HSI


?* @fn? ? ? SetSysClockTo_48MHZ_HSI


?* @brief? ?Sets System clock frequency to 48MHz and configure HCLK, PCLK2 and PCLK1 prescalers.


?* @return? none


static void SetSysClockTo_48MHZ_HSI(void)


? ? uint8_t tmp = 0;

? ? tmp = *( uint8_t * )CFG0_PLL_TRIM;

? ? if(tmp != 0xFF)

? ? {

? ? ? ? RCC_AdjustHSICalibrationValue((tmp & 0x1F));

? ? }

? ? /* Flash 0 wait state */

? ? FLASH->ACTLR &= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)~FLASH_ACTLR_LATENCY);


? ? /* HCLK = SYSCLK = APB1 */

? ? RCC->CFGR0 |= (uint32_t)RCC_HPRE_DIV1;

? ? /* PLL configuration: PLLCLK = HSI * 2 = 48 MHz */

? ? RCC->CFGR0 &= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)~(RCC_PLLSRC));

? ? RCC->CFGR0 |= (uint32_t)(RCC_PLLSRC_HSI_Mul2);

? ? /* Enable PLL */


? ? /* Wait till PLL is ready */

? ? while((RCC->CTLR & RCC_PLLRDY) == 0)

? ? {

? ? }

? ? /* Select PLL as system clock source */

? ? RCC->CFGR0 &= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)~(RCC_SW));

? ? RCC->CFGR0 |= (uint32_t)RCC_SW_PLL;? ??

? ? /* Wait till PLL is used as system clock source */

? ? while ((RCC->CFGR0 & (uint32_t)RCC_SWS) != (uint32_t)0x08)

? ? {

? ? }


#elif defined SYSCLK_FREQ_8MHz_HSE


?* @fn? ? ? SetSysClockTo_8MHz_HSE


?* @brief? ?Sets System clock frequency to 56MHz and configure HCLK, PCLK2 and PCLK1 prescalers.


?* @return? none


static void SetSysClockTo_8MHz_HSE(void)


? ? __IO uint32_t StartUpCounter = 0, HSEStatus = 0;

? ? /* Close PA0-PA1 GPIO function */


? ? AFIO->PCFR1 |= (1<<15);

? ? RCC->CTLR |= ((uint32_t)RCC_HSEON);

? ? /* Wait till HSE is ready and if Time out is reached exit */

? ? do

? ? {

? ? ? ? HSEStatus = RCC->CTLR & RCC_HSERDY;

? ? ? ? StartUpCounter++;

? ? } while((HSEStatus == 0) && (StartUpCounter != HSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT));


? ? AFIO->PCFR1 |= (1<<15);

? ? if ((RCC->CTLR & RCC_HSERDY) != RESET)

? ? {

? ? ? ? HSEStatus = (uint32_t)0x01;

? ? }

? ? else

? ? {

? ? ? ? HSEStatus = (uint32_t)0x00;

? ? }

? ? if (HSEStatus == (uint32_t)0x01)

? ? {

? ? ? ? /* Flash 0 wait state */

? ? ? ? FLASH->ACTLR &= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)~FLASH_ACTLR_LATENCY);

? ? ? ? FLASH->ACTLR |= (uint32_t)FLASH_ACTLR_LATENCY_0;

? ? ? ? /* HCLK = SYSCLK = APB1 */

? ? ? ? RCC->CFGR0 |= (uint32_t)RCC_HPRE_DIV3;

? ? ? ? /* Select HSE as system clock source */

? ? ? ? RCC->CFGR0 &= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)~(RCC_SW));

? ? ? ? RCC->CFGR0 |= (uint32_t)RCC_SW_HSE;

? ? ? ? /* Wait till HSE is used as system clock source */

? ? ? ? while ((RCC->CFGR0 & (uint32_t)RCC_SWS) != (uint32_t)0x04)

? ? ? ? {

? ? ? ? }

? ? }

? ? else

? ? {

? ? ? ? /*

? ? ? ? ?* If HSE fails to start-up, the application will have wrong clock

? ? ?* configuration. User can add here some code to deal with this error

? ? ? ? ?*/

? ? }


#elif defined SYSCLK_FREQ_24MHz_HSE


?* @fn? ? ? SetSysClockTo_24MHz_HSE


?* @brief? ?Sets System clock frequency to 72MHz and configure HCLK, PCLK2 and PCLK1 prescalers.


?* @return? none


static void SetSysClockTo_24MHz_HSE(void)


? ? __IO uint32_t StartUpCounter = 0, HSEStatus = 0;

? ? /* Close PA0-PA1 GPIO function */


? ? AFIO->PCFR1 |= (1<<15);

? ? RCC->CTLR |= ((uint32_t)RCC_HSEON);

? ? /* Wait till HSE is ready and if Time out is reached exit */

? ? do

? ? {

? ? ? ? HSEStatus = RCC->CTLR & RCC_HSERDY;

? ? ? ? StartUpCounter++;

? ? } while((HSEStatus == 0) && (StartUpCounter != HSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT));


? ? AFIO->PCFR1 |= (1<<15);

? ? if ((RCC->CTLR & RCC_HSERDY) != RESET)

? ? {

? ? ? ? HSEStatus = (uint32_t)0x01;

? ? }

? ? else

? ? {

? ? ? ? HSEStatus = (uint32_t)0x00;

? ? }

? ? if (HSEStatus == (uint32_t)0x01)

? ? {

? ? ? ? /* Flash 0 wait state */

? ? ? ? FLASH->ACTLR &= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)~FLASH_ACTLR_LATENCY);

? ? ? ? FLASH->ACTLR |= (uint32_t)FLASH_ACTLR_LATENCY_0;

? ? ? ? /* HCLK = SYSCLK = APB1 */

? ? ? ? RCC->CFGR0 |= (uint32_t)RCC_HPRE_DIV1;

? ? ? ? /* Select HSE as system clock source */

? ? ? ? RCC->CFGR0 &= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)~(RCC_SW));

? ? ? ? RCC->CFGR0 |= (uint32_t)RCC_SW_HSE;

? ? ? ? /* Wait till HSE is used as system clock source */

? ? ? ? while ((RCC->CFGR0 & (uint32_t)RCC_SWS) != (uint32_t)0x04)

? ? ? ? {

? ? ? ? }

? ? }

? ? else

? ? {

? ? ? ? /*

? ? ? ? ?* If HSE fails to start-up, the application will have wrong clock

? ? ?* configuration. User can add here some code to deal with this error

? ? ? ? ?*/

? ? }


#elif defined SYSCLK_FREQ_48MHz_HSE


?* @fn? ? ? SetSysClockTo_48MHz_HSE


?* @brief? ?Sets System clock frequency to 72MHz and configure HCLK, PCLK2 and PCLK1 prescalers.


?* @return? none


static void SetSysClockTo_48MHz_HSE(void)


? ? __IO uint32_t StartUpCounter = 0, HSEStatus = 0;

? ? /* Close PA0-PA1 GPIO function */


? ? AFIO->PCFR1 |= (1<<15);

? ? RCC->CTLR |= ((uint32_t)RCC_HSEON);

? ? /* Wait till HSE is ready and if Time out is reached exit */

? ? do

? ? {

? ? ? ? HSEStatus = RCC->CTLR & RCC_HSERDY;

? ? ? ? StartUpCounter++;

? ? } while((HSEStatus == 0) && (StartUpCounter != HSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT));

? ? if ((RCC->CTLR & RCC_HSERDY) != RESET)

? ? {

? ? ? ? HSEStatus = (uint32_t)0x01;

? ? }

? ? else

? ? {

? ? ? ? HSEStatus = (uint32_t)0x00;

? ? }

? ? if (HSEStatus == (uint32_t)0x01)

? ? {

? ? ? ? /* Flash 0 wait state */

? ? ? ? FLASH->ACTLR &= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)~FLASH_ACTLR_LATENCY);

? ? ? ? FLASH->ACTLR |= (uint32_t)FLASH_ACTLR_LATENCY_1;

? ? ? ? /* HCLK = SYSCLK = APB1 */

? ? ? ? RCC->CFGR0 |= (uint32_t)RCC_HPRE_DIV1;

? ? ? ? /* PLL configuration: PLLCLK = HSE * 2 = 48 MHz */

? ? ? ? RCC->CFGR0 &= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)~(RCC_PLLSRC));

? ? ? ? RCC->CFGR0 |= (uint32_t)(RCC_PLLSRC_HSE_Mul2);

? ? ? ? /* Enable PLL */

? ? ? ? RCC->CTLR |= RCC_PLLON;

? ? ? ? /* Wait till PLL is ready */

? ? ? ? while((RCC->CTLR & RCC_PLLRDY) == 0)

? ? ? ? {

? ? ? ? }

? ? ? ? /* Select PLL as system clock source */

? ? ? ? RCC->CFGR0 &= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)~(RCC_SW));

? ? ? ? RCC->CFGR0 |= (uint32_t)RCC_SW_PLL;

? ? ? ? /* Wait till PLL is used as system clock source */

? ? ? ? while ((RCC->CFGR0 & (uint32_t)RCC_SWS) != (uint32_t)0x08)

? ? ? ? {

? ? ? ? }

? ? }

? ? else

? ? {

? ? ? ? /*

? ? ? ? ?* If HSE fails to start-up, the application will have wrong clock

? ? ?* configuration. User can add here some code to deal with this error

? ? ? ? ?*/

? ? }



? ??


