Hi ,every body
i use this chip since 1 year .
I use it , a board with a SD card reader and WS2812 output on 4 PWM in DMA and Ethernet with 1Gb mode.
my last order of PCB on JLCP this board no longer work on SDIO.
the SD_Init() routing fail du to a "SD_DATA_TIMEOUT" in?SD_PowerON() routine.
if i stop all DMA routine , the SD_Init() work fine again .
i have note that serial write on chip is pass "31101F" to "31102F"?
"31101F" no probleme?
"31102F" impossible to use SDIO with DMA on PWM in progress.
someone note the same kind of issu ?
i have 1000pcs of this "31102F" version on my side i'm very worred they a bug on the wafer....
Best Regards?
MR Rivier