ch32v003f4p6 T1CH2 issue


I have purchased a EVAL board with CH32V003F4P6.

I am trying to use TIM1 with 4 outputs.

OC1, 3 and 4 are working and outputting.

OC2 is only connected to PA1. PA1 was connected to an oscilator on the board. I have removed the oscilator and connected the (pin5) to PA1. I have connected PA1 to OC2 in software like for the other OCs but it is not working. PA1 is outputting constant 1 Volt which doesn't change with dutycycle.

Acoording to datasheet Pin5(PA1) should not be internally connected to OSCI after reset.?

Is this caused by something in the software or is the chip I received broken?

Thanks for your help.

Acoording to datasheet Pin5(PA1) should not be internally connected to OSCI after reset.?

Ok so documentation lied and was connected to OSCI...

Fxed by setting?AFIO->PCFR1 = 0;

